CL 5/20

back to college and debt: going to college a couple gap years

religious policies (old view of politicians affecting new views of younger generation): lowering the age and/or setting a maximum/term limit for politicians

Social media (over exposing): minority groups getting the same amount of attention as the majority leading to actual epidemics

I believe the best option would be talking about going to college after a couple gap years and debt.

It was very beneficial to get real feed back. i typically explain better verbally rather than in in writing. was a slap to the face bc i did not explain very well

Reason 1) Student athletes strive to learn 2) make athletics a degree

Evidence 1) the athletes learn general strengths 2) would take away paying scandals

ethos: Sally bringing in experts

logos: first appealing to emotion then she brings in experts to talk about it (cites evidence such a textbooks and lawsuits)

pathos: When she compares Yale Theater students to college athletes

style: (relating college sports to tumors)

anecdotal evidence appeal more to to emotions

expert testimony and data appeal more to trust worthiness/plausibility

Sally Jenkins is being a responsible reasoner in arguing with her audience in mind, knowing the context, and by far the most notable by being well informed. She knows what she is talking about. Sally Jenkins is not really open to constructive criticism, but in the medium there really is no room.

Sally Jenkins is going to persuade people because she appeals to emotion and gives logical ways to get out of the situation.

CL 5/17

  1. Who: Sally Jenkins; To whom: Deans, presidents, and athletic directors of universities; Where:The Washington Post; When: 2011, athletes getting recruited by illegal means; Why: in response to the scandals
  2. paragraph 7 “‘What a wonderful idea,’…’The theory and practice of sport are certainly as ancient as those of theater'”
  3. paragraph 11 “The NCAA’s stated mission is ‘to integrate intercollegiate athletics so that the educational experience of the student athlete is paramount.'”
  4. paragraph 13 Oriard observes that athletes devote as much tome to their craft as a student violinist
  5. Jenkins quotes flow nicely. When she starts to get side tracked, she brings it back to the purpose with quote.
  6. Claim: Athletes should not have to study traditional courses.
  7. Reasons: 1) There is already material to design a course 2) sports require the same intellect as other majors
  8. Evidence 1) See text books on page 21 2) comparing music majors and sports

CL 5/15

To state and inform the reader what Millennials are facing

The Pew Center examined Millennials demographics, views, and priority

To state who they were analysis

to state that there where errors

To show that the research could be messed up



The Stevens violated being self-critical and open to constructive criticism because they were both too stubborn to see the other persons view and to even consider it.

The Stevens were trying to use persuading because one gave a story, that if told correctly could have convinced a lot of people, about the almost dead father.

Johnson exemplifies being well-informed because he gives situations that most people probably have been through and why one would do it and compares them to video games to show the underlying basis.

HW 5/13

This is a practice post.

Understanding Arguments

arguments are not always bad

argument=reasoned thinking (essence is claim/thesis, needs a reason)

reason= a sentence why the claim should be accepted as true

everything needs support

rhetoric=persuasive public speaking

responsible reasoning is 1) defending not the first position taken but the best position 2) providing reasons for holding position that earn respect

responsible argument is a two way street

Four Criteria of responsible reasoning

well informed

support argument with reliable and current evidence

open to constructive criticism

be able to step back and analysis the facts

consider audience

to effectively argue, consider the opposition

Understand an arguments context

know what other people are saying

Aims of argument

to inquire

responsible arguing is about questioning what we already know

to convince

an earnest opinion

to persuade

ask us to do something

to mediate

try to work out the conflict

The Millennial: Issues Faces Young Adults

running into problems earlier generations did not

chief of them is economic (starting out of college in huge debt

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