CL 6/10

Yes I have answered my research question. The answer is no, you do not need to go to college to be successful, but it is highly advantageous to go, with successful being defined as having a steady income that can be lived off of.

Topic: College

Issue: Going

R.Q.: Is going to to college the only way to be successful in modern day? (successful=Has a steady income that can be lived off of)

Answer: No, college is not the only way to be successful, but people with college degrees on average make more money.

Audience: High school students who are on the fence of going to college or pursue to be educated in a different form

Tentative Claim: Many believe that the only way to succeed is by going to college but people are truly successful without a college degree.

Reason: There are other options for post high school education and make money

Evidence: Vocational/Trade Schools

Reason: There are necessary jobs that do not require a college degree

Evidence: Judd Klusmeyer

Reason: College tuition is not proportional to career income

Evidence: (alternative way to 4 year college degree)

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